Trust Kroll Ontrack to recover your data

The QBS PC Help Random Password Generator

If you are looking for a 'strong' password then this simple tool has already generated a random password containing 30 characters that you can use to help secure your on-line presence.

Your safe password is:   b%Z})sH{^wp(Jki9Z9Rax#$e|}E553

Every time you refresh or revisit this page a completely random 30 character password will be generated above.

If you are not keen on a particular password just keep refreshing the page view. You don't even need to use all the characters; why not just select 16 or more for a perfectly good level of internet security. Or really go to town and grab the whole 30 for absolute security!

(Be warned: occasionally this tool can produce a password of less than 30 characters. Just refresh this page in your browser to generate another 30 character password.)

TIP - Why not 'bookmark this page' using your Internet browsers tools, as we all need really secure passwords from time to time.


The next issue of the QBS Free PC Tips Newsletter will be sent on the 28th February 2025.

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