QBS Web Design Template (H2)

A free template from QBS Web Design (H4)

A Free Website Template (H4)

This is a free template that is based on the article 'Why QBS PC Help use ems page styling' This is a static, 2 column layout made with XHTML and CSS styling. It also makes use of ems rather than pixels for fonts, padding, margins width and height and many other elements.

This page style can correctly accommodate any font size increases or decreases. It seems to work fine in Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.

Want take a look at the CSS? Click here.

Designing a CSS styled form

Another web design article How To Create A Basic Contact Form also uses this template as a starting point.

To see the completed form click here.

How to design CSS Navigation

To help with speed of download, search engine friendliness and accessibility CSS navigation is no doubt the best solution.

So where do you start? Check out Designing horizontal and vertical navigation using CSS.

Our next sub heading! (H4)

Proin sagittis leo in diam. Vestibulum vestibulum orci vel libero. Cras molestie pede quis odio. Phasellus tempus dolor eu risus. Aenean tellus tortor, dignissim sit amet, tempus eu, eleifend porttitor, ipsum. Fusce diam. Suspendisse potenti. Duis consequat scelerisque lacus. Proin et massa. Duis adipiscing, lectus a euismod consectetuer, pede libero ornare dui, et lacinia ipsum ipsum nec lectus.

The Best Use of Tables (H4)

At QBS we do not use tables to design websites as keeping the content and styles separate (XHTML and CSS) produces a quick loading site that's search engine friendly and far more accessible than a table based layout.

However, we do use tables to contain data that's best served via a table.

Article Date
Create A Basic Contact Form Dec
Help in using CSS for web design Jan
Redirecting site pages with .htaccess Feb
Search Engine Optimisation Guidelines Mar

Heading (H4)

  • Donec luctus.
  • Donec lectus.
  • Aliquam eget eros.

facilisis tortor feugiat sollicitudin. Integer lobortis vulputate sapien.