If you regularly or even occasionally write articles, perhaps for your website, Wordflood might be just the software you need to help you write better.
Wordflood looks like a traditional word processor but it scours your document for synonyms and replacements for words and common phrases.
Words that it thinks can be replaced with better alternatives are highlighted in blue, while phrases that can be improved are simply underlined. All you need to do is hover your mouse or pointing device over the selected phrase to see a lengthy list of possible alternatives.
Wordflood updates your documents word count, lets you know what percentage of the document you have changed and provides a constantly updating league table of which words you're using the most so you can easily see if you are repeating a particular word to frequently.
Wordflood version 1.2 is free so download a copy and see how this software can improve your writing style.
Wordflood version 2.0 is available for just $47 and enables you to enhance whole sentences and not just words or phrases.